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March 16, 2005 Minutes



Chairman Catino called the presentation to order at 8:45 p.m. in Town Hall conference room.
Present:  Finance Members Paul Catino, Ed Farrell, Al Floyd, Gil Hayes, and Jack Mannette.  Absent:  Bill Dove (family illness), Denise Sabotka (personal illness).  Also present:  First Selectman Linda Roberts and Selectman Ken Crouch, Treasurer Mary Szabo and Recording Secretary Linda Nolan.

6305, Warehouse Point Library.  Vincent Bologna, Nancy Masters and Cindy Miller presented their 2005-2006 request for $195,986, an increase of $12,769 from this year.  Included in the increase is a 6% increase for his 10 staff members.  People are being turned away from using the library meeting rooms because the library had to cut two nights out of its schedule due to 2004-2005 budget cuts.  The new request includes restoring those hours.  They would like to update and purchase computers.  Mr. Mannette suggested consolidating IT services with the town.  Ms. Roberts commented that a part-time computer technician could be hired and be supervised by the school department’s technology manager.  Mr. Farrell requested a 5% decrease scenario of their current budget.

6315, Park and Recreation.  Sandy Foster presented the request for $271,820, an increase of $11,505 over this year.  She explained that they must be able to maintain grounds, buildings, fences and the pond. Ms. Foster reported a collection of $2,500 from local businesses.  It was suggested that the budget line called “site improvement” be changed to “site management”. There isn’t a full time park and recreation department coordinator and may only be able to offer a new coordinator $39,000.  

Mr. Farrell requested a status quo budget scenario and a 5% decrease of 2004-2005 budget scenario.  Mr. Catino reiterated that the Board has to be able to show voters what would be lost if the budget doesn’t pass.  

Ms. Roberts said she hoped to put security lighting at the Prospect Hill Park.   She asked the treasurer to investigate whether there could be funds in CNR that could be redirected to improving the parks.  Ms. Roberts also said that she would ask CIRMA to check the safety of the dock at the East Windsor Park and town parks.

The Board of Finance could talk about the site acquisition fund at the end of the year.  Ms. Foster confirmed that all revenues go into the general fund.

8415, Cemetery Association.  Craig Arnold and Dan Burnham requested a 2005-2006 budget of $40,900, the same as the current year.  Internment prices have increased.  A full time employee had been terminated and jobs are now contracted out.  There are requests in the CIP for cemetery land, road resurfacing and fencing.  They were asked to provide a 5% decrease scenario.  

8440, Historical Commission.  The 2005-2006 request is for $2,500.

Ms. Roberts distributed a report from Warehouse Point Library Ad Hoc Committee.  The committee recommends that the library become a town agency.  The transfer could take place in

December 2005. The committee is still researching legal representation, getting information to the town concerning the transfer, how to administer the endowment fund, etc.  

Ms. Roberts distributed information re police alarm system ordinance.  She asked that the Board of Finance recommend that the Board of Selectmen place this item on a BOS agenda.

Upon motion by Mr. Floyd, seconded by Mr. Hayes, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To adjourn at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Nolan
Recording Secretary